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Speech Contests

Speech Contests
Each year, Toastmasters throughout District 66 participate in speech contests. The competition begins at the club level and culminates with the International World Championship of Public Speaking. Whether you are planning a speech contest or competing in one, it may be challenging to know where to begin. The District has put together this resource guide to help you understand speech contest fundamentals and get organized.

For additional assistance, please email Doretha Pair, DTM, Program Quality Director

2025 International Speech and Tall Tales Speech Contest Dates:

  • Club Contests completed by February 28, 2025.
  • Area Contests to be held by March 17, 2025
  • Division Contests to be held by April 11, 2025
  • District Contests will be held at the annual District 66 Conference, which will be held on April 25 and 26 in Hampton, VA.

What contests will District 66 hold this year?

District 66 will hold the International Speech Contest and the Tall Tales Speech Contest.

What are the rules?

Speech contests are an essential part of the Toastmasters educational program. They provide an opportunity for Toastmasters to gain speaking experience and for others to learn by observing proficient speakers.

2025 Speech Contest Handbook contains the rules and standard procedures for conducting the International, Evaluation, Humorous, Table Topics, and Tall Tales speech contests. If you are involved in conducting or competing in a speech contest, please read these rules carefully and follow them. Doing so will ensure a fair speech contest and an enjoyable event for everyone.

Where are the speech contest materials?

Toastmasters International has speech kits available for download. The speech kits have all the documents (eligibility forms, judges’ ballots, certificates, etc.) you must have for the contest. 

  • International Speech Contest Kit: Download
  • Tall Tales Speech Contest Kit: Download

SAMPLE AGENDA Download:   Contest-Agenda-Template

SAMPLE SCRIPT Download:  Tall Tales-and-Intl-Contest-Script-RTF

If you have Microsoft, here’s a duplicate of the script:  Tall Tales-and-Intl-Contest-Script-DOCX

Want to host a successful contest?
Region 6 provided training on “Putting on a Successful Contest.” Please download from this link: Successful Contest (PDF)

Want to advertise your contest?  
Please download from this link:  contest flier (multiple PDF versions)