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Makeup Club Officer Training (SLI) – from D46 – 12:00 p.m.

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08/09/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

If you did not attend club officer training during the Summer Leadership Institute on July 13, here is another opportunity offered by District 46.

If you attend another District's training, please be sure to take a screenshot of yourself in the session and ask their PQD to let our PQD (Doretha Pair) know you attended.

** Please Note **
You will need to enter the following information with your registration:
* Your Member ID #
* Club Name & Club #
* District #
* Your District’s Program Quality Director (PQD) Name and Email


Please log in using a desktop or laptop for the best training experience.

DISCLAIMER: Online attendance includes participation and interaction via live audio and video conferencing platforms.

Zoom Registration: