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D66 Toastmasters Times | Issue 1 | July 2024

Editors Note

Welcome to the first edition of the D66 Toastmasters Times!  

This newsletter will serve as a communication “bridge” between District 66 Leadership and our fellow club members across most of the state of Virginia.

Each edition will include messages from the trio, updates from events, ideas for improving the Toastmasters experience, “meet a member” where we feature members from across the District, District initiatives, Save the Dates and Recognition of individuals and clubs.

It’s formatted to optimize the view on a phone.  For those of you on a computer, it’s a work in progress!

The D66 Toastmaster Times team includes Cassandra Sabo and Mike Etchemendy.  It will be published every 2 months, and we will be looking for writers throughout the year.

I would love to hear from you!  Please send any feedback or topic suggestions to me at  

Kristine Vey, editor

2024-2025 District Leadership

District Director Welcome

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Toastmaster Year! I am honored to be the District Director for this year. For those of you who do not know me, I live in Chesapeake, VA and joined Toastmasters District 66 in December 2018. I have served District 66 as Vice President Education and President for Five Rings Financial and Friends Toastmasters in Virginia Beach (Ten Point President Distinguished Club for 2020-2021), Area 55 Director (2020-2021), Division E Director (Division Director of the Year for 2021-2022), Club Growth Director (2022-2023), and Program Quality Director (2023-2024). 

I originally joined Toastmasters to become a better public speaker, but stayed because I enjoy helping you, my fellow Toastmasters, achieve your goals. I believe that when I help others achieve what they want, I will automatically achieve what I want.

For the 2024-2025 Toastmaster Year, I have four goals for District 66:

• Serve and support our members,
• Ensure a quality personal and professional development experience,
• Have fun while enjoying the Toastmaster experience, and
• Achieve the goal of becoming a Smedley Distinguished District.

One thing that I have learned in Toastmasters is that no one can accomplish much alone. That is why the theme that I am proposing for this year is “Together, WE are Unstoppable!” I have two asks for every member of District 66:

• What is one thing that they can do to improve yourself, and
• What is one thing that you can do to help your fellow Toastmaster?

I would like for you to write down these two goals and then share them with your club VPE so that we may incorporate them into our Club, Area, Division, and District success plans. That way we know how to serve you better! A great way to start is by using the Member Development Plan that is on the District 66 website. At the end of the 2024-2025 Toastmaster year, I want you to revisit and reflect of your goals and ask yourself two questions: Did I truly make myself happy and did I make a fellow Toastmaster better. Here’s to a successful Toastmaster year!

With Warm Regards,

Jim Kennedy
2024-2025 District Director, District 66
Toastmasters International, Inc.

Download: Membership Development Plan

Program Quality Director, Doretha Pair

District 66,

Serving you as the 2024-2025 Program Quality Director is an honor and a privilege. I never thought my journey, which began when I joined Toastmasters, would lead me here. I surpassed my goals when I joined Toastmasters seven years ago.

This past year, we made great strides in membership growth. This year, I ask that you join me in getting the educational awards up. Remember your “why” for joining Toastmasters and pursue your goals.

I want to challenge all members to get this year’s Triple Crown award. The triple crown is awarded to any member who completes three levels in the program year. If we work together, we can accomplish so much. I look forward to serving you as the Program Quality Director this year.

I encourage you to take on roles outside of your club. There are many District positions available; for those of you who are still searching for a DTM project, there are many ways to help your club or district.

Club Growth Director, Marilynn Vaughan

Dear Toastmasters and Prospective Members,

As the Club Growth Director for Toastmasters International District 66, I am honored and privileged to welcome you to our vibrant community of 71 clubs. Toastmasters has been a cornerstone in the personal and professional development of countless individuals since 1924, and my mission is to ensure that our district continues to grow and thrive as we look to the future.
In today’s fast-paced world, communicating effectively and leading confidently is more crucial than ever. Toastmasters provides a unique, supportive environment where you can develop these essential skills, regardless of your proficiency level. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to refine your leadership abilities or a novice aiming to conquer public speaking fears, Toastmasters offers a pathway to success.

Our district is committed to fostering an inclusive and encouraging atmosphere where every member can achieve personal and professional goals. We believe each meeting is an opportunity to grow, each speech is a chance to inspire, and each evaluation is a moment to learn. In fact, we “evaluate to elevate.”

To our existing members, I encourage you to continue challenging yourselves and taking advantage of Toastmasters’ diverse learning opportunities. Remember, growth happens outside of your comfort zone. Embrace every chance to speak, lead, and mentor others.

To those considering joining, I invite you to attend one of our meetings and experience firsthand the supportive and transformative environment that Toastmasters provides. You will find a network of like-minded individuals committed to helping each other succeed. Joining Toastmasters could be pivotal in propelling you to achieve your dreams.

Let’s work together to build new clubs, strengthen our existing ones, and expand our community. Your personal growth and development journey awaits, and I am excited to be part of it with you.

I appreciate your commitment to excellence and your passion for self-improvement. Let’s make this year one of unprecedented growth and success.

Marilynn Vaughan, DSL, MBA, DL5
Club Growth Director, 2024-2025

A Message from Tanya Hall – Our Regional Adviser

Welcome to the newly aligned region, District 66!

I’m honored to serve as your Region 6 Advisor for 2024–2025.

I am here to support every one of you as your Region Advisor and to assist the District Leadership team in completing the District Mission. Joining your support team excites me and I am looking forward to seeing your District achieve your goals this program year!

On July 1st, 2024, the new alignment for Toastmasters International came into effect. Article V, Section 4 (i) of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International directs the Board of Directors to periodically review the regional assignment of clubs to ensure that no region represents 15% or more of Member Clubs in good standing. This change will allow Toastmasters International to provide optimal support for all clubs. Region 6 will now include a combination of 18,27,29, 36,38,40,46,66, 83, and 119. To learn more, visit the 2024 Region Realignment FAQ page.

Other District Leaders

District Executive Committee

Administration Manager – Ina Brown 
Financial Manager – Joyce Laswell 
Public Relations Manager – Kristine Vey, DTM 
Logistics Manager – Vicky Lyle 
Parliamentarian – Melissa Parks 

Division A Director – Melvin Carter, DTM 
Area 11 Director – Venus Wilmer, DTM 
Area 12 Director – Nick Mastrovito 
Area 14 Director – TBA 
Area 18 Director – TBA 

Division B Director – Carla Davis 
Area 21 Director – Gayle Turner 
Area 22 Director – Ibironke Lawal 
Area 23 Director – Michelle Evans 
Area 24 Director – Chaitali Roy 
Area 25 Director – Charleatta Funney 
Area 26 Director – Catherine Chen 
Area 27 Director – David Pacileo 

Division D Director – Lawrence Nichols 
Area 41 Director – Jacquie Harrison, DTM 
Area 42 Director – Bob Rice 
Area 43 Director – TBA 
Area 44 Director – Amanda Albright 
Area 45 Director – Drusilla Pair 
Area 46 Director – Michelle Willke 

Curious about the Clubs in each Division and Area?  Click here.   

Additional Supportive Roles: 

Education Chairs (PQD)
Education Co-Chair – Frederica Ricks 
Education Co-Chair – Drusilla Pair 
DTM Chair – Lynn Claiborne
Pathways Chair – Jessica Cotman

Marketing Committee (CGD) 
Club Extension Chair – Mike Etchemendy, DTM 
Club Quality Chair – Robin Jenkins, DTM 
Club Retention Chair – Kitty Boitnott, DTM 
Club New Source Research Chair – Tishaun Ugworji, DTM 

Subject Matter Experts – Charles Gates, DTM; Frank Gulla, DTM: Linda Kennedy, DTM 

Webmaster (PRM) – Cassandra Sabo

Celebration Committee (PRM) 
Chair – Tishaun Ugworji 
Members: Angela Dickerson, Vanessa Clack, Chasity Bailey, Joyce Laswell, Jim Kennedy 

Program Management Administrator (Dist Director) – Edmund Joe

District 66 Conference – UNSTOPPABLE

The Conference was held May 4, 2024 at Capital One Headquarters in Richmond. It opened with keynote speaker Jana Barhnill, DTM and Past International Director. It continued with educational sessions, awards, recognitions and the induction of the District officers for 2024-2025. The conference concluded with raffle prizes and a fabulous International Speech and Evaluation Contest.

Jana Barnhill, keynote speaker

International Speech Contest Results
First Place: Glenn Hadley, Jr. (shown)
Second Place: Brenda Bailey
Third Place: Joan Bowling

Evaluation Speech Contest Results
First Place: Sabrina Leahy (shown)
Second Place: Sharon Bares
Third Place: Glenn Hadley, Jr.

There is a LOT going on in District 66!  Stay “in the know.”

Link to D66 website:
Link to D66 Facebook Page:


Link to Region 6 FB page where you will be able to foster community within the Region and exchange events and news.  This will empower everybody with the opportunity to interact and gain knowledge from other Districts in this region:

(Thank you Roscoe Drummond)

“Who am I, and why am I here?”

by Jim Kennedy

I first heard this question in 1992 when viewing the Vice-Presidential Debate on television. James Stockdale, the independent candidate for Vice President of the United States, said it during his opening statement. He wasn’t a typical politician, appearing unsure of himself at times. Also, he seemed unprepared and unable to answer some of the moderators’ questions. After the debate, I remember reading an article where the author rhetorically asked, “What was this old guy doing on the stage?” To be sure, the debate was not his shining moment.

As a former US Army Officer, I know who he was. James Stockdale was a retired US Navy Vice Admiral who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for Valor during the Vietnam War. He was the Senior Prisoner of War at the infamous Hanoi Hilton, and his bravery and courage were legendary.

On the night of the debate, he could not communicate his ideas effectively. How many people like James Stockdale do we have in District 66?

Read more. . .

By Shannon Dewey, Toastmaster Magazine

“Leadership Lessons from Unlikely Characters”, Winnie the Pooh A.A. Milne, published in 1926

“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”

Moment of Truth: First Impressions

Can Prospective members find your club?
Are they valued during and after their visit?

The start of the new Toastmasters Year is the perfect time to review the club’s contact information.  Many visitors find clubs by searching online.

Every officer can access Club Central, and anyone can review and confirm the information is correct.  Be sure the phone number is associated with someone who agrees to answer calls from “strangers” and that the email goes to an appropriate person.

This information is what shows up in the “Find a Club” area of the main Toastmasters International website.

As a best practice, any email inquiry should be responded to within 48 hours.  Your former VPM may have a letter they used.  If you need to write one, Toastmasters International provides a template you can use here.

Is the meeting day / time / location correct?

Is the link to the club’s website active?  Is the website welcoming, inclusive and informational?  Are the location and the directions current?

You may receive enquirer emails through your club’s website, is the correct person’s email and phone number listed?

Some other things to consider: 

When a person visits your meetings (usually very stressful for them!), are they welcomed and given the opportunity to participate in some way?

After the visit, is an email sent within 48 hours, so they know their visit was meaningful to the club?  We keep all visitors on our regular list that goes to the members the day of the meetings until they ask to be removed.

I know from personal experience that any of these details can get overlooked, it’s a good idea to double-check every year.

Good luck in this upcoming Toastmasters Year!
Kristine Vey, DTM, PRM (based on actual experiences in Blue Ridge Club)

Meet a Member

Meet a Member – where we introduce you to other Toastmasters throughout the District.

They were all asked: What do you do outside of Toastmasters? How has being a TM affected your personal or professional life? What advice would you give to a new member as they begin their membership?

Division A

Joshua Wright, Blue Ridge Club
Member for 2 years

I work for Amazon Web Services (AWS) s a Solutions Architect. I enjoy backpacking and traveling.

I joined Toastmasters because I had a debilitating fear of public speaking that was impacting both my personal and professional life. I can honestly say without Toastmasters I would have had to change my career path. While I’m still nervous when I speak in public it is far less than before and I have learned to manage the stress, even channeling it into making my speaking more engaging and impactful.

Toastmasters is such a welcoming, supportive place to learn and grow. Don’t wait until you’re “ready” to give a speech or volunteer for a role. Many people, like myself, joined TM to overcome fear and the best way to do that is by jumping in. It will be very uncomfortable but you will grow in confidence as you challenge yourself and receive support and guidance from others in your club.

Division B

Carla Davis, WC Toastmasters &
Advanced Leadership Club
Member for 6 years

I enjoy hiking, reading, meditation, traveling and volunteering.

Toastmasters has transformed how I approach communicating in difficult scenarios at work and in my personal life. It has improved my relationships in general and it has made me more thoughtful when thinking about how to approach a subject especially when the listener has a different communication style.

Have fun with toastmasters, make your time with your club enjoyable, reach out and ask for help. That is why Toastmasters is here. Remember we all were beginners at some point and understand the journey. Take the opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone.

Division D

Perry Neal, Virginia Beach Toastmasters
Member for 12 years

Current Region 7 Advisor

Professionally I’m a software/database developer. When I’m not working or doing Toastmasters, I like to spend time with my family.

Toastmasters has given me the confidence to try things I otherwise never would have.

Dive in and participate, both in the meetings and your education program. And always say “yes” when you have the opportunity to volunteer for new things because, if you’re comfortable, you’re not growing.

District 66 is celebrating 62 years—our successes as a district come from the hard work and dedication of the members. It’s time for those who have worked so hard for this district to be the success that it is to receive the highest educational achievement of Toastmasters International:

The Distinguished Toastmaster.

It’s time for you to put all your enthusiasm, knowledge, and leadership skills into completing your Distinguished Toastmaster. The DTM2B Cohort has been reborn and is ready to support you on the journey. During the monthly meeting, we discuss your progress on Paths, HPL, Coaching/Mentoring, Speechcraft/Youth Leadership, Club Leadership, and District Leadership. The district needs your project ideas and ready for you to manage and work on. We got YOU! Interested in being a club coach or mentor? We got YOU! How about a Speechcraft? It is a process, and to be successful, you need a team. Let’s start with a solid foundation to complete your DTM. We will have guests and training sessions on achieving the DTM. We will meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month, from 7 pm to 8 pm.

You must register for each meeting to attend.

Our 1ST meeting is August 7, 2024, @7:00pm (EDT)

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: Aug 7, 2024, 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting on ZOOM.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

I will work with Lynne Claiborne, DTM, as a chair to assist us with whatever we need. You are not alone. It’s time!!

– Fredericka Ricks


Watch the D66 website calendar for details.

July 20th (Sat)

10 am – 11 am

Virtual Club Officer Training

July 24th (Wed)

12 pm – 1 pm

Virtual Club Officer Training

July 27th (Sat)

10 am – 11 am

Virtual Club Officer Training

July 31st (Wed)

12 pm – 1 pm

Virtual Club Officer Training

Aug 5th (Mon)

6 pm – 7 pm

Virtual Club Officer Training

Aug 7th (Wed)

7 pm – 8 pm

DTM 2B Cohort Interest meeting:

Aug 9th (Fri)

Annual Business Meeting Proxy assignment step 1 must be started

Aug 19th (Mon)

6 pm – 7 pm

Virtual Club Officer Training

August 27th (Tues)

1p,m – 2 pm

Virtual Pathways Training

Oct 26th (Sat)


In Person Awards Gala and
Anniversary Celebration – Williamsburg

Dec 7 (Sat)


Leadership Institute

April 25, 26, 2025


Person District 66 Conference
Embassy Suites in Hampton

Toastmasters Tips: Sincerity in Speaking

by Mike Etchemendy, DTM, member of Blue Ridge Club

Being sincere in speaking compels an audience to appreciate the message. Think about how you feel listening to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speech known as “I Have a Dream” when he repeats in his heartfelt quavering voice, “I Have a Dream” then a statement, then “I Have a Dream”. As each refrain repeats, we feel the dream and wait for more information. As an audience we are glued to Dr. King’s words, ideas, and calls to action. Listening to Dr. King’s speech there’s no doubt this man is speaking with sincerity, that he truly believes. We naturally want to continue to listen, we see his sincerity as we know in our hearts the message is pure.

We don’t need to be as great as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at public speaking or to be sending as big a message. Every one of us can be sincere and speak from the heart on something we believe. It takes courage to speak sincerely. It took big courage for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to speak his heart and mind. The audience will respect that we are giving them undisguised opinions, words we believe, and opening ourselves up to all for discernment. Our sincerity in speaking has depth and value for the audience. By putting our hearts into our content, we earn the audience’s trust and attention for our next idea and ultimately our call to action.

The time to ask for a call to action comes after earning the interest of your audience. A call to action can be asking for anything such as changing someone’s mind to raising a hand to answer a question from the speaker. As a speaker we take on a responsibility because we have a room full of people giving us their time to listen to us. We should give them something in a message, an inspiration, or a problem to solve. All speakers may dream of having the audience completely engaged in their speech, laughing in unison, gasping in unison, or clapping in unison. This kind of audience response is earned by the sincerity, content and delivery of the speech. Asking an audience to jump into being interested in our speech too early is a mistake because it hasn’t been earned. By a show of hands, how many think … by another show of hands… at the beginning of a speech does not earn audience engagement but only polite compliance from our audience. Yes, we see hands raised but we don’t have that audience’s interest because they don’t know our opinion, belief, or problem. It is worth giving an audience something to ponder before asking for a call to action.

Communicating with sincerity includes all communication elements. A speaker runs a risk giving a sincere sounding message that does not match with facial expressions and gestures. All people sense very early when something does not seem congruent. When it’s not, trust is lost. Be deliberately committed to sincerely believing in your message, deliver that message, and take pride in the value given to an audience.

Would you like to hear this historic speech? Click to watch.

Have you seen or have you heard?

Pathways is coming monthly to a place near you. Save the date for Tuesday, August 27, 2024, from 1 pm – 2 pm.

It doesn’t take much time, but it does take your attention. Please join us and see how Pathways can benefit you and your club!

Word of the Day

propinquity / \prə-ˈpiŋ-kwə-tē\ (noun)
Definition of PROPINQUITY
1 : nearness of blood : kinship
2 : nearness in place or time : proximity

Propinquity tightens bonds and there is a steady blossoming of the character in a radiant atmosphere. (from Project Gutenberg)

District 66 Triple Crown Winners for 2023-2024

CONGRATULATIONS to the Following Members who earned a Triple Crown!




00309629 – Name unavailable



01012515 – Name unavailable


TC2, TC3, TC4

01343035 – Name unavailable


MS2, MS3, MS4, MS5

01401238 – Name unavailable


DL4, DL5, PI1

01973017 – Name unavailable


PI1, PI2, PI3, PI4

67492315 – Name unavailable


LD1, LD2, LD3, LD4

67547349 – Name unavailable


TC1, TC2, TC3

67620941 – Name unavailable


DL1, DL2, PM1, PM2, PM3

A. A. Tuten, DTM


DL3, VC3, VC4, VC5

Aaron M. Stubbs, PM3


PM1, PM2, PM3

Amanda Albright, MS5


MS1, MS2, MS3, MS4, MS5, PM4, PM5

Andrew Barksdale, LD4



Barbara T. Wright, PM1


IP4, IP5, PM1

Beverly Ross, PI3


PI1, PI2, PI3

Bonnie Hockins, PM3


PM1, PM2, PM3

Brenda Bailey, VC1


EH4, EH5, VC1

Brian R. Lomax, DTM


MS5, PI2, PI3, PI4

Cassandra Greene, IP3


IP1, IP2, IP3

Cassandra J. Sabo, PM3


PM1, PM2, PM3

Chaitali Roy, EH3


EH1, EH2, EH3

Chasity L. Bailey, LD5



Cornell Cary, PM5


PM1, PM2, PM3, PM4, PM5

Cynthia Sterrett, VC1


DL5, PM5, VC1

Danyelle Stutz, SR3


SR1, SR2, SR3

David Hirschman, DTM


PM2, PM3, PM4

Doretha Pair, EC3


EC1, EC2, EC3

Drusilla O. Pair, PM5


IP1, IP2, IP3, LD4, LD5, PM4, PM5

Dylan Caverly, SR4


SR1, SR2, SR3, SR4

Ethel Perry, SR4


SR2, SR3, SR4

Harry Harman, DTM


DL2, EC2, EC3, PI4

Howard N. Toft, PM3


DL4, DL5, PM3

Ibironke O. Lawal, TC3


IP1, TC1, TC2, TC3

Ina Brown, MS3


MS1, MS2, MS3, EH3, EH4

Jacqueline Harrison, DTM



Jana C. Liebermann, SR4


MS5, SR4, MS4

Joshua P. Wilkes, DL2



Joyce Laswell, VC3


MS2, PM2, VC3



EH2, EH3, EH4

Kim Fielder, IP5


IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4, IP5

Kristine Vey, DTM



Lamees Abourahma, VC5



Lawrence D. Nichols, DL5


DL3, DL4, DL5

Linda Davis, PM2


IP2, IP3, IP4, PM1, PM2

Lucia M. Gregorakis, TC5



Marilynn B. Vaughan, TC3


DL5, TC1, TC2, TC3

Martin J. Bussert, DTM


EH1, EH2, EH3, VC4, VC5

Matthew Newquist, VC3


VC1, VC2, VC3

Maurie Sutton, IP5


IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4, IP5, VC5

Michael Cannon, EH3


EH1, EH2, EH3

Michelle Willke, VC3



Mike Etchemendy, DTM


PM1, PM2, PM3

Nick Mastrovito, PI2


MS2, MS3, MS4, PI1, PI2

Pallab Chatterjee, MS3


MS1, MS2, MS3, PM5

Priscilla Clayborne, DL3


DL1, DL2, DL3

Robert Rice, EH1


EH1, MS3, MS4, MS5

Robin C. Jenkins, DTM


SR3, EH2, EH3, EH4, EH5, PM1

Robin J. Honeycutt, PI1


PI1, VC3, VC4

Sean Dyer, PM2


PM1, PM2, VC5

Sharon K. Bares, DTM


MS1, MS2, VC5

Sheena Norfield, LD5


LD2, LD3, LD4, LD5

Skyler Joyner, PM3


PM1, PM2, PM3

Stephen R. Luke, MS1


DL3, DL4, DL5, MS1

Steven M. Brown, PI4


PI1, PI2, PI3, PI4

Susan Mathias, EH3


EH1, EH2, EH3, PM4, PM5

Tiffany Tracey, MS5


MS2, MS3, MS4, MS5

Venus Wilmer, DTM


SR2, TC1, SR1, PM1, TC2, TC3, SR4, SR5, TC4, PI5, SR3

Victoria Lyle, EC3


EC1, EC2, EC3, IP4, IP5

Wade Thompson, DTM


EH4, IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4

Wes Rogers, DTM


EC2, SR3, TC1

Zoe E. Moyer, DL3


DL1, DL2, DL3

Click Here to see ALL the Education Achievements for 2023-2024